Return to Paradise honoured with visit by Chinese Vice Premiere

9th November 2019

Chinese Vice-Premiere Hu Chunhua was in Samoa for the Third China-Pacific Island Countries Economic Development and Cooperation Forum

The Chinese Embassy had explored the possibility of bringing the Vice-Premiere to Return to Paradise for dinner on the final night of his short visit to Samoa, but had to advise him that the schedule was too tight and wanted to cancel the visit

However, according to sources at the Embassy, he insisted that the schedule be changed to accommodate a visit to Return to Paradise Resort

Vice-Premiere Chunhua is well known for his efforts to fight corruption and drug-trafficking and is the youngest member ever appointed to the Politburo. He is widely tipped to be a possible future General Security, the highest office in China.

So it was a great honour to host The Vice Premiere and the 50 –strong Chinese delegation to dinner. Rather than a formal banquet in the air conditioned Gary Cooper Lounge, they opted to book out Rock Pool Bar for a more casual evening.